
How to convert feet to millimeters

1 foot is equal to 304.8 millimeters:

1 ft = 304.8 mm

When a distance L in feet is multiplied by 304.8, it gives distance in millimeters.

Lmm = Lft × 304.8


To convert 20 feet into millimeters, it is multiplied by 304.8:

(20 ft) × 304.8 = 6096 mm


The foot (plural feet) (abbreviation: ft or ) is a unit of length in the British imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. It is equal to ​13 yard or ​12 inches. Its usage is widespread across the world as a measurement of height. Along with this, it is also used for the measurement of altitude in international aviation.


The millimeters is a unit of length in the metric system. It is equal to 11000 of a meter. The SI symbol of centimeter is mm. It is a practical and most frequently used unit of length for many everyday measurements.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick foot to millimeter conversion table is given below:

0.1 ft30.48 mm
0.2 ft60.96 mm
0.3 ft91.44 mm
0.4 ft121.92 mm
0.5 ft152.4 mm
0.6 ft182.88 mm
0.7 ft213.36 mm
0.8 ft243.84 mm
0.9 ft274.32 mm
1 ft304.8 mm
5 ft1524 mm
10 ft3048 mm