
How to convert kilometers per hour to knots

1 kilometer per hour is equal to 0.5399568 knots:

1 km/h = (1/1.852) kn = 0.5399568 kn

When a speed V in kilometers per hour is divided by 1.852, it gives speed in knots.

Vkn = Vkm/h / 1.852


To convert 20 kilometers per hour into knots, it is divided by 1.852:

(20 km/h) / 1.852 = 10.79913607 kn

Kilometers per hour

The kilometers per hour is a unit of speed (scalar quantity) and velocity (vector quantity). It is equal to the distance traveled a body in kilometers in one hour. The SI symbols is km/h, and abbreviations are kph, kmph, km/hr.


Miles per hour is a unit of speed equal to the the number of nautical miles traveled in one hour. One knot is exactly equal to 1.852 km/h. The unit symbols are kn or kt.

A nautical mile is a unit of length used in air, marine, and space navigation, and for the definition of territorial waters. Historically, it was defined as one minute (160 of a degree) of latitude along any line of longitude. Presently, the international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1852 meters.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick kilometer per hour to knot conversion table is given below:

Kilometers per hourKnots
10 km/h5.4 kn
20 km/h10.799 kn
30 km/h16.199 kn
40 km/h21.598 kn
50 km/h26.998 kn
60 km/h32.397 kn
70 km/h37.797 kn
80 km/h43.197 kn
90 km/h48.596 kn
100 km/h53.996 kn